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 ■ 秀まるおのホームページ(サイトー企画) > ご購入方法 > お支払方法 > クレジットカード決済 > PayPal > no consumption tax dummy


価格 (ご購入後のバージョンアップは無料)
no consumption tax
送金報告 (お支払いをした事の報告)

 PayPal payment with no consumption tax
Select the product and quantity
Note: To select the product from here, you can pay with PayPal without consumption tax. No consumption tax is required only in cases where purchases are made by individuals/corporations outside Japan. Individuals/corporations in Japan cannot purchase at this price.

Software Products
Hidemaru Editor / 秀丸エディタ - 消費税無し
HideTerm Evolution / 秀Term Evolution - 消費税無し
パスワード総合管理 - 消費税無し
HidemaruMail / 秀丸メール(単品) - 消費税無し
HTML-Mail Editor Addin for HidemaruMail / HTMLメール編集アドイン for 秀丸メール - 消費税無し
Hidemarnet Explorer with FTPS - 消費税無し
Hidemaru Filer Classic / 秀丸ファイラーClassic - 消費税無し
Hidemaru Start Menu / 秀丸スタートメニュー - 消費税無し
Hidemaru NetMonitor / 秀丸ネットモニター(10ライセンスセット) - 消費税無し
Hidemaru Spam Filter for Becky! / 秀丸スパムフィルター for Becky! - 消費税無し

Notes on purchasing multiple products:
It is not possible to purchase multiple products at once. Please purchase each software separately.

If your payment is successful, you will receive an email titled "ご注文確認" = "Order Confirmation".
After SAITO-KIKAKU confirms your payment, SAITO-KIKAKU will send you a license key via email within a few days.

If you do not receive an "Order Confirmation" email, your settings may be set so that you cannot receive emails from our email address (for example, your email is sorted as spam). In that case, please contact us by a method other than email.
TEL/FAX 0778-54-0502

Reference: If you don't receive the email

About registration(Important)
If you pay with PayPal, you do not need to register as a user.

SAITO-KIKAKU will register as a user using the name and email address notified by PayPal.

If you want to change your user registration or if you need a receipt, etc, Please contact us by email.

Regarding issuance of receipts or license certificates
I f you need receipts or license certificates, Please email us with the following information:

  • Ordered date
  • Purchased software name
  • Required documents (receipts/license certificates)

These documents will be published in PDF format.

Email address: PEH00775@nifty.com

PayPal payment (with consumption tax)


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