秀丸メールでGoogle gmailに「OAuth認証」を使ってアクセスしてる場合、2019年4月1日よりアクセス不能になる可能性があります。
Subject: ご利用の Google アカウントへのデータアクセスの制限について
From: Google アカウント <google-accounts-noreply@google.com>
いつも Google サービスをご利用いただきありがとうございます。
お知らせしたいことがあり、ご連絡させていただきました。以下のサードパーティ製アプリについては、Gmail コンテンツなど、Google アカウントの一部のデータにアクセスできなくなります。なお、お客さまに手続きを行っていただく必要は特にありません。この変更は、2019 年 3 月 31 日から有効になります。
このたびの変更は、お客様のデータとプライバシーを保護するための継続的な取り組みの一環として行われるものです。上記のアプリは、2018 年 10 月 8 日に発表された Google の最新のデータ プライバシー要件(https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/g-suite/elevating-user-trust-in-our-api-ecosystems)に準拠していません。
お客様のアカウントへのアクセスが許可されたアプリの確認、管理、削除については、Google アカウント(https://myaccount.google.com/permissions)からいつでも行うことができます。
Google アカウント チーム
Thank you for submitting an OAuth App Verification request. We appreciate your patience during this review period.
The app verification process can take several weeks to complete. Google will not take action against apps for non-compliance with the new policy during the verification process if you are acting in good faith to come into compliance. User access to your app for existing approved scopes will not be impacted. All apps that have applied are expected to fully complete the app verification process by May 15, 2019, with the remainder of 2019 to complete the security assessment.
Your project XXXXXXXX(秀丸アドレス帳シンクロナイザのプロジェクト名) has been successfully verified. You can check the latest status of your review request on the OAuth Consent Screen page in Google Cloud Console for this project.
Please note that certain new changes made to the Consent Screen post this approval may require you to submit a review request again. These new changes include brand information related changes and access to unverified scopes.
For example, if the OAuth scopes used by your project are not exactly same as those marked as approved on the OAuth Consent Screen page in Google Cloud Console, your project may present the unverified app screen. It's recommended to select all the OAuth scopes used by your project when you submit the review request.
NOTE: If you plan to request a restricted API scope, your app will be subject to additional requirements as per the Google API User Data Policy.
Dear Developer,
Your OAuth App Verification request for project: XXXXXX(秀丸メールのプロジェクト名) has been approved.
Your project is compliant with the Google API User Data Policy and the Additional Requirements for Restricted Scopes. You can check the latest status of your request on the OAuth Consent Screen of the Google API Console.
Please note that updates made to the Consent Screen after this approved request may require you to submit a new verification request. These updates may include brand-related changes and access to unverified scopes.
For example, if the OAuth scopes used by your project are not exactly the same as those marked “approved” on the OAuth Consent Screen in the Google API Console, your project may use the unverified app screen. We recommend that you select all the OAuth scopes used by your project when you submit the review request.
If you have additional questions, please respond to this email.
Google Cloud Platform/API Trust & Safety